Posts: page 7

Javaee Angularjs Bootstrap Integration

Javaee Angularjs Bootstrap Integration

This tutorial is a basic integration of AngularJS, Bootstrap3, JavaEE JAX-RS, Maven and WebJars...

2015-10-13 · angularjs · java · javascript

Webjars Use Dynamic Urls For Your Dependencies Vs Versionning Hell

Webjars Use Dynamic Urls For Your Dependencies Vs Versionning Hell

WebJars is a useful tool. It’s a client-side web libraries (e.g. jQuery & Bootstrap) packaged...

2015-10-08 · java · javascript

Webjars Manage Your Web Dependencies With Maven

Webjars Manage Your Web Dependencies With Maven

No more /src/main/webapp/vendor/jquery.min.js, or /styles/bootstrap.css! Just a Maven dependency...

2015-10-07 · java · javascript

Git The Simple Guide

Git The Simple Guide

just a simple guide for getting started with git. no deep shit...

2015-09-01 · git · quicktip

Migrating From Simple Junit Test To Cucumber Java

Migrating From Simple Junit Test To Cucumber Java

This post explains how to migrate source code from simple JUnit test to Cucumber Java Test...

2015-08-07 · bdd · cucumber · java

Migrating From Java4 Commonslang To Java6 Guava To Java8

Migrating From Java4 Commonslang To Java6 Guava To Java8

This tutorial cover code migration from different historical technical stacks. It goes from Java 1.4...

2015-08-06 · java

Responsive Button With Bootstrap Toggable Text

Responsive Button With Bootstrap Toggable Text

The default Bootstrap buttons is not responsive. When the device is too small, the grid is responsive...

2015-07-31 · bootstrap · css

How To Cucumber Test Reporting Plugin With Maven And Java

How To Cucumber Test Reporting Plugin With Maven And Java

It is often useful to show the results of our tests to others people who are not developers, like managers or executive...

2015-07-30 · bdd · cucumber · java

Comment Agrandir Reduire Les Lignes Dun Tableau Avec Bootstrap

Comment Agrandir Reduire Les Lignes Dun Tableau Avec Bootstrap

Comment faire des accordéons dans des lignes de tableau en Twitter Bootstrap ? Nous verrons...

2015-07-28 · bootstrap · css

How To Cucumber Java Reuse Same Scenario For Core Service And Web Ui Tests

How To Cucumber Java Reuse Same Scenario For Core Service And Web Ui Tests

An example of unified code to reuse the same functional test scenario. Over unit tests of the core component code...

2015-07-23 · bdd · cucumber · java

Hi, I'm Damien

Software Developer

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Founder of this blog, love Java and Open Source stuff. Follow him on Twitter.