Posts: page 2

Js Node Express Rest Api

Js Node Express Rest Api

Express has support for REST API. This example is inspired by SpringBoot’s Data/REST generated API...

2017-12-07 · expressjs · javascript · nodejs

Howto Js Node Debug Visual Studio Code

Howto Js Node Debug Visual Studio Code

Visual Studio Code has support for JavaScript and out-of-the-box Node.js debugging. Here’s how...

2017-12-06 · expressjs · javascript · nodejs

Howto Eclipse Fix Autoimport For List Map

Howto Eclipse Fix Autoimport For List Map

When you let your Eclipse IDE auto-organize your List/Map imports, it struggles with it and break …it’s a loss...

2017-11-24 · java · quicktip · tools

Rest Api Maturity Levels From 0 To 5

Rest Api Maturity Levels From 0 To 5

This article is about RESTful maturity. It’s not a definition of levels of REST itself, but a simple approach...

2017-11-23 · design · rest

Howto Springboot Datasource

Howto Springboot Datasource

To configure your own DataSource for SpringBoot, with fully automatic initialization, semi-auto...

2017-11-19 · hibernate · java · spring

Maslows Hierarchy Of Needs For Software Developers

Maslows Hierarchy Of Needs For Software Developers

A remake of the Maslow’s pyramid, but for software developers....

2017-11-11 · agile · quicktip

Agile Manifesto Reminder

Agile Manifesto Reminder

Here is a quick reminder of the Agile Manifesto’s content from 2001, followed by some examples...

2017-11-10 · agile · quicktip

Indiegame Free Resources And Materials

Indiegame Free Resources And Materials

Here are some search engines and archive websites to get free, Unity3d-ready, resources...

2017-09-27 · unity3d · assets

C Sharp Calculate Execution Time

C Sharp Calculate Execution Time

Stopwatch is designed for this purpose, and is one of the best way to measure time execution in .NET...

2017-09-19 · csharp · unity3d · quicktip

Food Lasagnes Vegetariennes Rapide Et Allege

Food Lasagnes Vegetariennes Rapide Et Allege

Lasagnes légères aux champignons, épinards et emmental. Pour 8 personnes, Très facile, Bon marché, Préparation 15 min, Cuisson 40 min...

2017-08-20 · other

Hi, I'm Damien

Software Developer

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Founder of this blog, love Java and Open Source stuff. Follow him on Twitter.