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How To Silkuli Test Ui Without Programming

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This tutorial show how to organize UI tests and reuse most of your existing usecases elements, like comments and screenshots.

Note: see the previous post ‘How to Silkuli - Test UI without programming’ for a quick start.


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We will create a two usecase project

  1. Define usecases
  2. Create projects
  3. Create usecase A test
  4. Reuse elements for usecase B
  5. Create usecase B test
  6. Run tests

1. Define usecases

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2. Create projects

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3. Create usecase A test

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4. Reuse elements for usecase B

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5. Create usecase B test

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6. Run tests

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Final Word

The element reuse is not a direct reference to the original screenshot. If you change a button, you’ll need to update all the usecases.

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Next step will be automation with scripts. Like running all tests at once, using properties and




Hi, I'm Damien

Software Developer

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Founder of this blog, love Java and Open Source stuff. Follow him on Twitter.